Basketball Intelligence Exclusive Discounts!
BI has partnered with a dozen premier independent NBA websites (including TrueHoop!) to bring you BI-exclusive savings!
We at Basketball Intelligence are eternally thankful for your financial support. We already provide a pathway to the best analysis and reporting from across the web every day, but we are always thinking about ways to bring more value to paying subscribers.
In that regard, we have some thrilling news.
Basketball Intelligence has partnered with more than a dozen of our favorite sites to offer paid subscribers steep discounts. Your subscription to Basketball Intelligence pays for itself after just a couple of these subscriptions!
These are major discounts to fantastic publications, and we hope that you consider taking advantage of some of them. Whether it’s in-depth reporting about your favorite team or an author whose work you’ve long admired, you’re guaranteed to find quality writing — and many of these sites have never been more affordable!
Leaguewide Sites:
TrueHoop | Henry Abbott, David Thorpe, Jarod Hector, Travis Moran | 30% Off!
Last Night, In Basketball | Jared Dubin | 30% Off!
Statitudes | Justin Kubatko | 25% Off!
Basketball Poetry | Mike Shearer | 35% Off!
BASKETBALL FEELINGS | Katie Heindl | 40% Off!
5x5 | Royce Webb | 50% Off!
Team-Specific Sites:
BOS: Full Court Press | Sherrod Blakely | 40% Off!
IND: Fieldhouse Files | Scott Agness | 30% Off!
MIN: Howls and Growls | Jake Paynting | 50% Off!
NYK: Knicks Film School | Jonathan Macri | 20% Off
POR: Rose Garden Report | Sean Highkin | 30% Off!
SAS: Corporate Knowledge | Matthew Tynan | 30% Off!
TOR: Raptors Republic | Staff | 40% Off
NBA Draft
No Ceilings | Staff | 25% Off!
Below, past the paywall, we have direct links to access those discounts.
We hope that this will be an ongoing project for Basketball Intelligence. We’ll be continuing to partner with new sites and authors going forward, so make sure to check back frequently! The best way to learn about the NBA is to support your favorite writers through a subscription, and the best way to find a subscription is with Basketball Intelligence’s discounts.
Without further ado, below the paywall are the links to all of our fantastic partners: