- Is Emoni Bates' NCAA Experiment Hurting His Draft Stock? (from Jonathan Wasserman, Bleacher Report): https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2952146-is-17-year-old-emoni-bates-ncaa-experiment-hurting-his-nba-draft-stock
- This Season's MIP Candidates (from Chad Smith, Basketball Insiders): https://www.basketballinsiders.com/news/nba-most-improved-player-candidates/
- Trade Deadline Preview: The Teams That Can Take On The Most Money (from Yossi Gozlan, Hoops Hype): https://hoopshype.com/lists/trade-deadline-preview-the-teams-that-can-take-on-the-most-money/
- 2022 Draft: International Prospect Nikola Jovic (from Tyler Rucker, No Ceilings):
- Baldwin, Jr, Watson & FIBA U-19 Track Records (from Adam Spinella, The Box And One):
- In The History Of The NBA 3-Pointer, There Have Been Some Misses Along The Way (from Bob Ryan, Boston Globe): https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/01/08/sports/history-nba-3-pointer-there-have-been-some-misses-along-way/
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- BKN: NBA Insiders, Nets Teammates Agree On Biggest Challenges Facing Kyrie (from Brian Lews, NY Post): https://nypost.com/2022/01/08/nba-insiders-teammates-agree-on-kyrie-irvings-task-ahead/
- BOS: Tatum's Performance Vs Knicks Provides Blueprint For Future Success (from Jack Maloney, CBS Sports): https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/jayson-tatums-performance-in-celtics-crushing-loss-to-knicks-provided-a-blueprint-for-future-success/
- DET: Pistons Look To Return To Rotation Consistency (from Rod Beard, Detroit News): https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/nba/pistons/2022/01/07/pistons-looking-move-past-covid-return-consistency-rotation/9129438002/
- GSW: What To Expect From Klay Upon His Return (from Stephania Bell, ESPN): https://www.espn.com/fantasy/basketball/insider/story/_/id/33013779/fantasy-basketball-expect-klay-thompson-return-court
- GSW: Increasing Catch-And-Shoot 3s Has Helped Wiggins Make A Big Leap (from Shayna Rubin, Mercury News): https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/01/07/how-a-step-back-has-helped-andrew-wiggins-make-a-big-leap-with-warriors/
- GSW: Kuminga Sees Dubs As Greatest Situation For Him (from Josh Schrock, NBC Sports): https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/jonathan-kuminga-sees-warriors-greatest-nba-situation-him
- HOU; Danuel House: Making His Case For Roster Spot (from Sarah Todd, Deseret News): https://www.deseret.com/2022/1/7/22870938/utah-jazz-danuel-house-wants-to-take-one-of-the-jazz-open-roster-spots-he-started-making-his-case
- LAC: Clippers Embrace Grueling Schedule (from Mirjam Swanson, OC Register): https://www.dailynews.com/2022/01/07/clippers-embrace-grueling-schedule-bring-it-on/
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